Horizontal Spacing Enter here the horizontal spacing between different copies. Max Lines Enter here the number of lines to be used for the copies. If you want 10 copies and 4 lines they will be place on 3 rows. Copies Enter here the number of copies you want to plot. You can also create copies in the document with the Duplicate command. To page Enter here the number of the last page you want to plot. Empty pages will not be plotted. You can read the number of a page in its lower right corner. From Page Enter here the number of the page you want to begin plotting from. Empty pages will not be plotted. You can read the number of a page in its lower right corner. Destination Use this popup menu to choose if you want to save the plotter instructions on a disk or to send the directly to the plotter. Tool Use this popup menu to select a different tool. Depending on the selected tool the application will send to the plotter pen change codes and/or other instructions. Quality Use this popup menu to select different qualities for the plotting job. Place Use this popup menu to choose if you want to move the drawing near the lower left corner of the page or if you want to leave the drawing where it is now. Color Use this popup menu to select the color to be plotted. If you select "All Colors" then all the colors will be plotted on the same page. Computer Use this popup menu to select a remote computer to be used for plotting. In order to see a remote computer it must be connected in the same network zone and a copy of the application must be running on it. Port Use this popup menu to choose the port which will be used to communicate with the plotter on your computer or on the remote computer. Option If your plotter needs additional settings than you may want to click here to see a dialog box where you can change them. Plotter Use this popup menu to select the kind of plotter you are using. Note that standard like HPGL works with plotters from many different vendors. Lenght Enter here the step to be used for the running stitches. Handshake Handshaking controls the flow of data between computers so that none gets lost. To control data flow, choose a handshaking method from this pop-up menu. Stop To set the number of stop bits used to mark the end of a transmitted character, choose a number from this pop-up menu. Parity Parity is a simple technique for identifying transmission errors in characters. To turn on parity checking, choose a parity type from this pop-up menu. Data To specify the number of bits in a character, choose an item from this pop-up menu. Speed To set the speed at which data is transmitted, choose an item from this pop-up menu. Each item specifies the number of data bits sent per second. Red Box This icon is the ending point of this item when used as a character or pasted with the mouse. To move it just click and drag it to the desired location. Green Box This icon is the starting point of this item when used as a character or pasted with the mouse. To move it just click and drag it to the desired location. Sort Click here to sort by name all the items in this library. Scroll bar Use this scroll bar to see other items in the library, you can also use the cursor keys. Trims Click here to insert a Trim special function after every character in the text. Stops Click here to insert a Stop special function after every character in the text. Layout Click here to place the text on a line, on the upper arc portion of a circle or on the lower arc portion of a circle. Alignment Click here to align the text to the left, to the right or centered. Arc Radius Enter here the radius of the circle to be used when placing the text on an upper or lower arc. Spacing Enter here the spacing value to be used. A value of 100% means that the standard spacing will be used, a value of 200% means that twice that spacing is to be used. Text Type here the text that you want to create. A single line of text can be created at a time. Font Use this menu to select a special font to be used. To produce a font create a new library then fill it with all the characters items. To install a font just drag it to the System Folder or any of its sub-folders. Library Click here to create a library. You can use a library to collect similar items. Document Click here to create a standard document for the application. Page This is the index of this item in this library. The total number of items is given too. Scale This is the scale used to show the library item in this window (e.g. a scale of 200% means that the item is drawn two times larger than its real size). Size This is the actual size of this library item. Name Type here the name of the object on the left. If this library is going to be used as a font the name should be that of the character (e.g. 'A','a','B',…). Job Checklist Shows the job checklist that will be printed in the legend of the embroidery. The list can be edited only if it is a manual one. Manual Job Checklist Click here to create a manual job checklist for this embroidery. You can modify the list in the box on the right. Automated Job Checklist Click here if you want the computer to create an automatic job checklist just before printing the page. You cannot edit an automatic checklist. Scale Enter here the scale to be used for the embroidery. A scale of 200% means that the printed page will have a size that is twice that of the embroidery. Scales can range from 1% to 1200% depending on the size of the embroidery and that of the page. Job Checklist Click here to show or hide the job checklist of the embroidery in the page to be printed. Embroidery Click here to show or hide the embroidery in the page to be printed. Paths Click here to show or hide paths and direction lines in the page to be printed. Legend Click here to show or hide the legend in the page to be printed. Minimum Length Enter here the minimum lenght of the stitches. Stitches shorter than or equal to the given one will be removed. Transform Click here to apply the given transformation in the selected manual sections. From Satin to Fill Click here to transform Satin stitches to Fill stitches in the selected manual sections. From Fill to Satin Click here to transform Fill stitches into Satin stitches in the selected manual sections.